
Enhance the use of low impact development in both private and public areas to reduce storm water impacts - Develop opportunities for increased stormwater management in parks; Incorporate low impact development into infrastructure projects such as roads, sewers and public spaces development; Continue to monitor and showcase current City of Windsor low impact development projects; Promote and incentivize the use of low impact development to developers, private landowners and the community.

Lead: Engineering; Planning; Parks; ESCC. Supporting Role: Operations; ERCA; Private landowners; Home Builders Association.

Official Plan,

Environmental Master

Plan, Landscape

Manual, Community

Improvement Plans





Enhance education to the public about the risk of high surface water levels - Communicate with the media and use social media to update the public on current or changing conditions; Collaborate with other organizations such as ERCA to help spread similar messaging; Use various educational tools and resources to help illustrate overland flooding to the public; Provide door-to-door visits to vulnerable properties as required; Educate the public on the risks of driving on flooded roads.

Lead: Fire; ERCA. Supporting Role: Operations; Communications.

Sewer Master Plan





Develop communications campaign with messaging to residents on lot-level resiliency actions - Including but not limited to green and cool roofs, rain gardens, native plants, rainbarrels etc.

Lead: ESCC. Supporting Role: Planning; Engineering; Communications.

Environmental Master

Plan, Landscape Plan,

Site Plan Control



