7.9 | Enhance communication and education around the impacts of extreme heat on human health - Increase community understanding of heat illness signs and symptoms and associated health risks; Collaborate with the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit to communicate heat warnings via email, website, social media, text, app etc.; Collaborate with partners to produce and implement a targeted heat education program for vulnerable populations including migrant workers, international students and new Canadians. Lead: WEC Health Unit. Supporting Role: Communications; ESCC; Emergency Services; School Boards; Canadian Red Cross; Heart & Stroke Foundation; EMS; Unions; Environment Canada. | Heat Alert and Response Plan | Short-Term | $ | Low |
7.10 | Implement the Community Energy Plan (including but not limited to the following) - Develop and implement home and building retro fit programs; Encourage a modal shift towards Public Transit and Active Transportation; Foster the adoption of electric vehicles; Continue to retrofit City of Windsor buildings to increase energy efficiency; Incentivize the use of energy efficiency technologies to decrease building energy demand. Designate and plan district energy areas; Promote and implement renewable energy generation such as solar photovoltaic energy systems. Lead: ESCC. Supporting Role: Planning; Facilities; Engineering; Asset Planning; Community Energy Plan Task Force; Transit Windsor; School Boards; Private building owners. | Community Energy Plan, Corporate Climate Action Plan, Community Improvement Plans | Short-Term | $$$$ | High |
7.11 | Incorporate native and/or drought tolerant plants into public and private landscaping - Educate the public about the benefits of native plants including drought tolerance, water retention attracting pollinators etc.; Review and encourage the selection of species more resilient to a changing climate; Encourage the selection of plants that are more mature and larger with deeper root systems; Explore native plant demonstration gardens in public spaces. Lead: Parks; ESCC. Supporting Role: Essex County Field Naturalists; Friends of Ojibway Prairie; ERCA; DRCC; Private Landowners; Nurseries; Carolinian Canada; St. Clair Horticultural; CEA. | Parks Master Plan, Environmental Master Plan, Landscape Manual | Short-Term | $ | Low |