Message from the Community Task Force

‘Business as usual isn’t an option-we only have one planet’ was the guiding principle for the Community Task force, in its endeavor to come up with a forward thinking, systematic, holistic Climate Change Adaptation Plan for the City of Windsor.

As integral components of the Climate Change Adaptation Planning process, the Community Task Force members are dedicated to the pursuit of environmentally sustainable goals and building a climate resilient community as outlined in the Climate Change Adaptation Plan. Task force members are in a unique position to identify future vulnerabilities and risks to the Community as a result of our changing climate. Together, task force members can provide significant support to all levels of government with regards to community-wide implementation of climate change adaptation efforts. It is the Task Force’s long-term strategic commitment to work alongside the City of Windsor to achieve the Climate Change Adaptation Plan’s vision.

The vision: Windsor will continue to prepare for our climate future by creating a more resilient city to the effects of a changing climate. We will minimize climate change risks to our community through the advancement of sustainable policies, infrastructure investment and public education. Forward thinking and proactive actions will benefit our community health, environment and economy.