Risk: The combination of the likelihood of an event occurring and its negative consequences. Risk can be expressed as a function where risk = likelihood x consequence. In this case, likelihood refers to the probability of a projected impact occurring, and consequence refers to the known or estimated outcomes of a particular climate change impact.

Sensitivity: Measures the degree to which the community will be affected when exposed to a climate related impact. Sensitivity reflects the ability of the community to function (functionality) as normal when an impact occurs.

Vulnerability: Vulnerability refers to the susceptibility of the community to harm arising from climate change impacts. It is a function of a community’s sensitivity to climate change and its capacity to adapt to climate change impacts.

Weather: The day-to-day state of the atmosphere, and its short-term variation in minutes to weeks.


BARC – Building Adaptive and Resilient Communities

BFSP – Basement Flooding Subsidy Program

CDHS – Community Development & Health Services

CFIA – Canadian Food Inspection Agency

DRCC – Detroit River Canadian Cleanup

EMS – Emergency Medical Service

ESCC – Environment, Sustainability & Climate Change Office, City of Windsor

ERCA – Essex Region Conservation Authority

GLIER – Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research

LHIN – Local Health Integration Network

MNRF – Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry

MOECP – Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks

MTO – Ministry of Transportation

WDBA – Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority