Future Directions

The Vision, Objectives and Actions presented in this Plan are a combination of City administration and community-led measures that have been developed by the Community Task Force and City Administration to address Windsor’s priority climate impacts and risks.

A detailed implementation table outlining for each action the lead and supporting roles, associated Municipal Plans and Policies, timeline, estimated costs and level of effort can be found in Appendix B.

Monitoring metrics for the main actions can be found in the “Indicators” section of this document.


Windsor will continue to prepare for our climate future by creating a more resilient city to the effects of a changing climate. We will minimize climate change risks to our community through the advancement of sustainable policies, infrastructure investment and public education. Forward thinking and proactive actions will benefit our community health, environment and economy.


  1. Integrate Climate Change Thinking and Response

  2. Protect Public Health and Safety

  3. Reduce Risk to Buildings and Property

  4. Strengthen Infrastructure Resilience

  5. Protect Biodiversity and Enhance Ecosystem Functions

  6. Reduce Community Service Disruptions

  7. Build Community Resilience

Denotes Actions where community involvement and participation is needed.