Resilient Communities (BARC) Framework (p.9 Figure 1). Simultaneously, City of Windsor Administration followed a parallel process with all departments. Both groups were presented with the latest climate projection data for Windsor Essex and asked to identify how climate change is currently affecting their department and/or organization as well as look forward to how they might be impacted under our projected future climate conditions. After participating in vulnerability and risk assessments to prioritize impacts, both administration and the community groups were asked to outline strategies and action items that would help the Windsor community as a whole improve its climate resilience.

Simultaneously, multiple community stakeholders such as ERCA and the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit are completing corporate and organizational climate change vulnerability and adaptation planning processes to prepare their organizations for climate change. We have an opportunity to bring together County, City and Town governments as well as regional stakeholders to work together on climate change planning and implementation with the aim of protecting our region and contributing to greater national and global climate change response.