
Most of the climate change adaptation strategies outlined in Degrees of Change will require funding. As mentioned previously Public Safety Canada estimates that for every dollar invested in climate change adaptation $3 to $5 is saved in recovery costs (Auditor General, 2016). In addition, outlining the costs of doing nothing in Climate Change Impacts in Windsor – A Technical Analysis supports that a financial commitment is necessary to help protect the Windsor community from the effects of a changing climate.

The following sections outline several strategies available to fund climate change adaptation actions.


The best opportunities to improve the climate resiliency of our community is to include climate change considerations during the initial planning, design and funding of infrastructure projects, into Master Plan documents as well as into program and policy development. Recently, several initiatives were undertaken at the City of Windsor that included considerations for climate change adaptation including: Class Environmental Assessments (e.g. the Sewer Master Plan); Master Planning documents (e.g. Parks Master Plan); and Capital projects (e.g. the Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund application). Wherever possible City of Windsor administration and Council should continue to seek out opportunities to integrate climate change adaptation when making corporate decisions.

Asset Management and Capital Planning

The 2018 Asset Management Plan includes climate change planning considerations. In terms of preparing for a changing climate, the asset planning process can be used to ensure capital infrastructure includes adaptation and resiliency considerations through a life cycle cost analysis and review of level of service. The asset planning process should include safeguards to ensure infrastructure built today will last for the intended life span even under a changing climate.

Many of the larger adaptation actions identified (e.g. implementation of the Sewer Master Plan and the East Riverside Flood Risk Assessment) are expected to be included in the City’s Capital Budget starting as early as 2020 and continuing for decades. Additional capital funding will be required to further other adaptation actions identified in this Plan.

Incremental Operational Budgets

Many of the adaptation actions proposed will not require capital investment but instead will involve reconsideration or enhancements in day to day City of Windsor operations (e.g. sewer maintenance programs).

This Plan highlights the importance of action on the part of the Community. In order to achieve the required level of involvement, community engagement and education conducted by City of Windsor staff will need to increase.