Where the Contractor is working on or adjacent to a road, he shall at his own expense, provide for the safe passage and control of traffic by placing, maintaining, changing and removing such barricades, signs, flags, lights (including flashing lights and flagmen), as are required for the proper notification and protection of the public approaching or passing through any part of the work area. All signs, flags, lights, etc. so used shall be in conformance with the provisions of Book 7 of the Ontario Traffic Manual. The Contractor will save harmless the Municipality and the Engineer from any legal actions resulting from any negligence or carelessness on the part of the Contractor which may result in damage claims for improper traffic control procedures.

The Contractor shall take all risks from floods or casualties of any kind.

The Contractor shall not sublet the whole or any part of this Contract without the approval of the Municipality and the Engineer.

21.0 Working Area and Access Corridor

The designated working area for this drain shall be limited to the north and south property lines from STA: 0+000 to STA: 0+270. Construction and maintenance access to this reach shall be via the 6m wide corridor between the north top of slope and the property limit.

For the remainder of the drain, from STA: 0+270 to 0+668, the designated working area along the south side of the drain is limited to 5m beyond the new top of slope, and to the road right-of-way along the north side of the drain.

22.0 Clean-up

After the Contractor has completed his work, he shall clean-up the site, removing all debris or any other waste materials in a neat and workmanlike manner, leaving the job in a neat and tidy condition and subject to the approval of the Drainage Superintendent and the Engineer.