518.01.02 Appendices Significance and Use
Appendices are not for use in provincial contracts as they are developed for municipal use, and then, only when invoked by the Owner.
Appendices are developed for the Owner’s use only.
Inclusion of an appendix as part of the Contract Documents is solely at the discretion of the Owner. Appendices are not a mandatory part of this specification and only become part of the Contract Documents as the Owner invokes them.
Invoking a particular appendix does not obligate an Owner to use all available appendices. Only invoked appendices form part of the Contract Documents.
The decision to use any appendix is determined by an Owner after considering their contract requirements and their administrative, payment, and testing procedures, policies, and practices. Depending on these considerations, an Owner may not wish to invoke some or any of the available appendices.
When the Contract Documents indicate that provincial-oriented specifications are to be used and there is a provincial-oriented specification of the same number as those listed below, references within this specification to an OPSS shall be deemed to mean OPSS.PROV, unless use of a municipal-oriented specification is specified in the Contract Documents. When there is not a corresponding provincial-oriented specification, the references below shall be considered to be to the OPSS listed, unless use of a municipal-oriented specification is specified in the Contract Documents.
When the Contract Documents indicate that municipal-oriented specifications are to be used and there is a municipal-oriented specification of the same number as those listed below, references within this specification to an OPSS shall be deemed to mean OPSS.MUNI, unless use of a provincial-oriented specification is specified in the Contract Documents. When there is not a corresponding municipal-oriented specification, the references below shall be considered to be the OPSS listed, unless use of a provincial-oriented specification is specified in the Contract Documents.
This specification refers to the following standards, specifications, or publications:
Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications, Construction
OPSS 805 Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Measures
Federal Government Publication
Fisheries Act, R.S., 1985 c. F-14
For the purpose of this specification, the following definitions apply:
Dewatering Operation means pumping, baling, temporary ditching, or vacuum removal of uncontaminated groundwater, rain water, melt water, surface run-off, water pipe leakage from excavations and trenches or within sheeted cofferdams to improve the soil stability or for other construction purposes.