Table 2. Summary of Existing Fish and Fish Habitat Conditions.
Waterbody | Flow (Permanent, Intermittent or Ephemeral) | ThermalRegime (Warm/Cool/Cold) | SubstrateType | Vegetation (Riparian & In-Stream) | Supports a Fishery | FishSpeciesPresent | Sensitivity(Low, Moderate,High) | Rationale forSensitivity Ranking/Comments | |
BroadwayDrain | Intermittent | Warm | Gravel, silt, clay, muck | Significant black oak woodlands known as Black Oak Woods, is located between Broadway Street and Cherry Blossom Ave., just west of Ojibway Park | Seasonal | None | Low | Species dependency on habitat is seasonal and low.This is a warm water municipal drain that has the potential to support a warmwater seasonal fishery. | |
Healy Drain | Intermittent | Warm | Clay, muck | Phragmites/ cattails | None | N/A | N/A | LGL has considered this to be marginal fish habitat with a seasonal warm water fishery even though there is no direct connection to the Detroit River. During the April 2010 field investigations no flows were observed and no fish species were observed in this channel. |