Table 4. Risk Assessment (Scale of Negative Effect and Sensitivity of Fish and Fish Habitat).
a) Scale of Negative Effect
Attribute | Description | Major Points |
Extent | Refers to direct “footprint” of the development proposal, as well as areas indirectly affected. | Medium – The realignment of 545 m of channel realignment on Broadway Drain will have a localized impact, or at most impact the channel reach due to the intermittent nature (i.e. storm flow events) and the amount of existing development in the area. |
Duration | The amount of time that a residual effect will persist. | Medium – The channel realignment will take potentially one to two years to fully stabilize. |
Intensity | The expected amount of change for the baseline condition. i.e. changes in temperature, salinity, flow, etc. The timing of works may have a major influence on intensity. | Low –No appreciable changes in temperature, flow or salinity are expected, as this is an intermittent system. |