The existing conditions established to date indicate that the portion of the Healy Drain which has been proposed for infilling is highly unlikely to result in serious harm to fish or fish habitat. Impacts to the remaining downstream portion of Healy Drain and the Detroit River can be avoided provided that the mitigation techniques outlined in this document are adhered to in their entirety throughout the Project. Although no specific compensation measures are required for the abandonment of this portion of Healy Drain it is of value to note improvements to the Broadway Drain as part of the proposed realignment design. Broadway Drain is another drain within close proximity to Healy Drain and will be realigned and redesigned as part of the Early Works stage. The proposed design incorporates significant improvements to fish habitat within the Broadway Drain and these are expected to benefit species that may have otherwise utilized Healy Drain provide access from the Detroit River.
This document serves to satisfy the requirements of Section 8 under the BSTA “A plan for any activity that an authorization under the Fisheries Act would have otherwise been required that includes measures to mitigate harm to fish” specifically for the Healy Drain.