Most Anticipated Public Safety Challenges

This assessment has identified the most likely public safety issues/challenges that are anticipated, requiring the attention of the Windsor Police Service. These need to be recognized and addressed by the applicant to ensure an adequate maintenance of public safety, security, and general public order. In no particular order these are:


Loitering represents a fundamental root cause opportunity for crime and disorder and reduced perceptions of safety and comfort by all stakeholders. It therefore needs to be addressed properly with the new store coming on line. The abutting rear alley represents the physical space with high vulnerability to loitering. Windsor Police will certainly be monitoring this through our regular patrols but the owner also needs to maintain regular observation of this space during operating hours as well. Loitering, if tolerated, acts as a conduit to more dangerous offenses/situations that can negatively impact other businesses and public spaces within the area and therefore needs to be prevented.


The site’s physical orientation is well suited to pedestrian access. The only potential safety concern is clustering of patrons in large groups around the very limited public sidewalk space near the entrance. This could create crowd control issues involving adjacent businesses. A well thought out crowd control plan by the applicant is necessary to ensure a high level of ongoing public safety is maintained, inclusive of clearly demonstrating how the safety of pedestrians attending other businesses in the same plaza will be established and maintained.

Summary of Police Incident Data at Sites Within the Immediate Area

An examination of police incident response data for the block of Tecumseh Road East where the store is to be located was examined. The data revealed the following:

YEAR  NUMBER OF POLICE CALLS: 3500 Block of Tecumseh Road East
2017  26 
2018  49 
2019  42 
2020  8 (as of April 20th) 
Yearly Average 39 police calls