Most Anticipated Public Safety Challenges

This assessment has identified the most likely public safety issues/challenges that are anticipated, requiring the attention of the Windsor Police Service. These need to be recognized and addressed by the applicant to ensure an adequate maintenance of public safety, security, and general public order. In no particular order these are:


The safety of this particular business operation (Cannabis retail store) is greatly influnced by how customer access control is carried out. Safety in this regard will be optimized the more visually accountable such access is conducted. Therefore it is our opinion if the applicant is allowed to have the public entrance off the rear alley and not the via the Chatham Street entry, public safety will be marginalized significantly. This is because it will make the ongoing, natural observation capability by police and other witnesses greatly restriced compared to idf the front door on Chatham Street was used. For this reason, the Windsor Police Service opposes the location being off the alley.