Council Report: C 45/2020

Subject: Application for a Cannabis Retail Store Authorization at 7833 Tecumseh Road East - Ward 8


Date to Council: March 17, 2020
Author: Onorio Colucci
Chief Administrative Officer
CAO Office
Report Date: 3/10/2020
Clerk’s File #: GP/13047

To: Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT City Council RECEIVE the collected comments as requested through CR534/2019 for information; and,

THAT City Council SUPPORT the Retail Cannabis Application requested by ShinyBud Cannabis Co. regarding the site located at 7833 Tecumseh Road East; OR

THAT City Council OPPOSE the Retail Cannabis Application requested by ShinyBud Cannabis Co. regarding the site located at 7833 Tecumseh Road East; and,

THAT City Council DIRECT the Chief Administrative Officer to RETURN their decision along with this report and Appendices A and B to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario for consideration regarding the Retail Cannabis Application and for delivery to the Applicant, ShinyBud Cannabis Co.

Executive Summary:


On November 18, 2019, Council adopted CR533/2019 and CR534/2019 (Appendix E). These resolutions reconsidered CR 9/2019, which delegated comments regarding cannabis store locations to the City Planner and Executive Director of Development Services. Comments provided through the reconsidered process have been included in