Climate Change Emergency Declaration

On November 18, 2019 Windsor City Council passed a declaration that contained the following resolution:

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Windsor declare a Climate Emergency in the knowledge that this is an emergency with no foreseeable conclusion which will require robust and permanent changes in how the City and County conduct their business; and further,

That in response to this emergency, the need to reduce overall emissions from the City of Windsor and the County of Essex as well as continue to prepare for Windsor-Essex County’s climate future are deemed to be high priorities when considering budget direction and in all decisions of council; and further,

That the City of Windsor administration BE DIRECTED to prepare reports for consideration by their respective Councils within 90 days containing recommendations for priority actions items, implementation measures, cost requirements to accelerate and urgently work towards the reduction of emissions and preparing for our climate future and include any initiatives that we are aware of by our Detroit neighbours and any other neighbouring municipalities across the border

This Business Case will be identified in the report back to City Council outlining priorities under the climate change emergency declaration.

1.3 Planning and Decision-making Process

The Final Report of the Project Working Team (PWT) is organized to reflect a planning and decision-making process comprised of three phases (see Figure 1 on next page):

The City of Windsor is in the Program Enablement phase. A Program Administrator would normally lead Phases 2 and 3. The development of a Business Case was advanced for two primary reasons: