Consequently, the CEP set a target to deep-retrofit 80% of existing homes by 2041 to achieve a 30 to 50% increase in energy efficiency depending on the age and type of home. The CEP strategy to achieve this target proposes:

2.3.3 R-DEER Business Case

In 2018, City Council approved the development of a Windsor Energy Efficiency Retrofit (R-DEER) Business Case to investigate the feasibility of the CEP home retrofit strategy. A Project Working Team (PWT) was tasked to oversee the project, engage stakeholders and report back with recommendations. Additional information about their work can be found in the following appendices: Assumptions

As noted earlier in this report, several assumptions related to Program Design (Phase 2) and Program Launch (Phase 3) were necessary to build the R-DEER Business Case. Should the project proceed, these design parameters would be further tested during the development of a R-DEER Business Plan by the Program Administrator. A summary of these key assumptions is found in Appendix D. Additional detail is also provided in Appendix E - Full Business Case. The PWT also identified several considerations for the development of a Business Plan, and these are summarized in Section 4.1 Business Plan.

In additional to technical assumptions, the R-DEER Business Case makes three programmatic assumptions:

  1. A Municipal Services Corporation (MSC) would be established to serve as the Program Administrator (see Section 2.3.4 Program Administrator for more details);

  2. Standardized deep energy retrofit packages would be delivered to homeowners (see Section Standardized Deep Retrofits for more details) and;