The motion is put and is lost.

At the request of Councillor Gignac a recorded vote is taken.

Aye votes: Councillors Bortolin, Holt, McKenzie and Morrison

Nay votes: Councillors Kaschak, Gignac, Francis, Costante, Sleiman and Mayor Dilkens.

Absent: None.

Moved by: Councillor Holt Seconded by: Councillor Bortolin

Decision Number: CR168/2020

That administration BE DIRECTED to contact and work with both the Riverside and Pillette Village

BIA’s to investigate lane closures in those BIA’s to accommodate social distancing and REPORT

BACK to Council at the May 25, 2020 meeting; and further,

That administration INCLUDE IN THAT REPORT a more robust section on social distancing including possible statements from BIA’s or individuals and any type of empirical evidence that includes evidence that social distancing is not in effect there.

At the request of Mayor Dilkens a recorded vote is taken.

Aye votes: Councillors Costante, Bortolin, Holt, Gignac, Kaschak and McKenzie.

Report Number: C 85/2020

Clerk’s File: MH/13786

8.8. 2019 Year-End Operating Budget Variance Report - City Wide

Decision Number: CR185/2020

That Council RECEIVE FOR INFORMATION the 2019 Year-End Operating Budget Variance

Report, dated March 31st, 2020; and,

That the final 2019 Operating Budget surplus of $1,954,982 BE TRANSFERRED to the Budget

Stabilization Reserve (transfer of $1,454,982) and as previously directed by City Council to the

Transit Windsor Garage Feasibility Study (transfer of $250,000) and the Electric Vehicle Charging

Pilot Project (transfer of $250,000); and,

City Council Monday, May 4, 2020