City Council Monday, May 4, 2020

8.19. 2020 Significant Municipal Event Status, Wards 2,3,4,6,7

Moved by: Councillor Sleiman Seconded by: Councillor Kaschak

Decision Number: CR196/2020

That the request from 2502014 Ontario Inc.; Windsor Eats Inc.; 2465967 Ontario Limited; Rotary Club of Windsor (1918); Poutine Feast Ontario Inc.; Windsor Vegfest Inc.; 1214631 Ontario Inc.; 11845217 Ontario Inc.; 365 Sports Inc.; and 1933900 Ontario Ltd. for approval of designation as 'Significant Event Status' for the purpose of applying for their individual liquor services BE APPROVED by Council subject to the terms and conditions of the Special Event Agreement:

National Caesar Day - May 14, 2020

Lanspeary Park and Outdoor Rink

(2502014 Ontario Inc.)

Street Food Fair - May 15, 2020

Lanspeary Park and Outdoor Rink (Windsor Eats Inc.)

Windsor Rib Fest - June 4, 2020 - June 7, 2020

Riverfront Festival Plaza and Riverfront Civic Terrace

(2465967 Ontario Limited.)

Art In the Park - June 5, 2020 - June 7, 2020

Willistead Park

(Rotary Club of Windsor (1918))

Poutine Feast - June 11, 2020 - June 14, 2020

Riverfront Festival Plaza and Riverfront Civic Terrace (Poutine Feast Ontario Inc.)

Veg Fest - June 13, 2020 - June 14, 2020

Lanspeary Park and Outdoor Rink (Windsor Vegfest Inc.)

(Windsor Eats Inc.)

Dinner on the Pier - July 16, 2020

Assumption Park

(Windsor Eats Inc.)