City Council
Monday, February 24, 2020

CR87/2020 - Item 8.13 - Letter from the Windsor Accessibility Advisory Committee


Dear Local Accessibility Advisory Committee members,

This letter is sent to you on behalf of the Windsor Accessibility Advisory Committee (WAAC) to gauge the interest of other local Accessibility Advisory Committees (AAC) in building a closer relationship and establishing a dialogue between us and our partners in the Region.

In trying to reduce and remove barriers for those with accessible needs in our community; we understand that the needs of the accessible community at large don't stop at a City or Town's borders. Therefore, we believe it to be in the interest of everyone that an open line of communication exists between WAAC and our fellow local Accessibility Advisory Committees.

By sharing our unique problems, solutions, and establishing open communication; we will help not only our individual communities but build an information network built on co-operation and co-ordination. Although the needs of our individual communities may differ, WAAC believes that working together will give us all a stronger voice and by sharing and learning from each other will be able to better tackle problems faced in our communities by, knowing what works best and what doesn't.

Our hope is to eventually be able to hold a small get together in Windsor with two to three representatives from each AAC in the spring of 2020; the goal of which would be to discuss and share information in person. However, the details of such an event would be contingent on interest from you, our fellow local Accessibility Advisory Committee members.

Please respond to Karen Kadour, Committee Coordinator ( kkadou r@citywindsor.ca) should you be interested in working together with us

We look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours truly,

Windsor Accessibility Advisory Committee