City Council
Monday, February 03, 2020


  1. The applicant is directed to Section 51(39) of The Planning Act 1990 regarding appeal of any imposed conditions to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal. Appeals are to be directed to the City Clerk and Licence Commissioner of the City of Windsor.

  2. It is the applicant's responsibility to fulfil the conditions of draft approval and to ensure that the required clearance letters are forwarded by the appropriate agencies to the City of Windsor, to the attention of the Executive Director/City Planner, quoting the above-noted file number.

  3. Required agreements with the Municipality will be prepared by the City Solicitor.

  4. The applicant should consult with an Ontario Land Surveyor for this proposed plan concerning registration requirements relative to the Certification of Titles Act.

  5. The final plan approved by the Corporation of the City of Windsor must be registered within thirty (30) days or the Corporation may withdraw its approval under Section 51(59) of The Planning Act 1990.

  6. 6. All plans of subdivision/condominium are to be prepared and presented in metric units and certified by the Ontario Land Surveyor that the final plan is in conformity to the approved zoning requirements.

  7. Where agency conditions are included in the City’s Subdivision Agreement, the Applicant is required to forward a copy of the agreement to the agencies in order to facilitate their clearance of conditions for final approval of this plan.

VI   That the City Clerk and Licence Commissioner BE AUTHORIZED to issue the required notice respecting approval of the draft plan of subdivision under Section 51(37) of The Planning Act.

VII   That the subdivision agreement shall BE REGISTERED against lands to which it applies prior to the final registration of the Plan of Subdivision.

VIII   That prior to the final approval by the Corporation of the City of Windsor, the Executive Director / City Planner of the Planning and Building Department shall BE ADVISED, in writing, by the appropriate agencies that conditions have been satisfied.

IX   That the Chief Administrative Officer and City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign all necessary agreements and documents approved as to form and content satisfactory to the City Solicitor. Carried.

Report Number: SCM 14/2020 & S 238/2019

Clerk’s File: ZP/13552 ZB/13550