City Council
Monday, February 03, 2020

Item No. Subject Section – Pursuant to Municipal Act, 2001, as amended
1. Property matter – sale of land 2 3 9 (2) (c)

Motion Carried.

Declarations of Pecuniary Interest:

None declared.

Discussion on the items of business. (Item 1)

Verbal Motion is presented by Councillor Francis, seconded by Councillor Morrison, to move back into public session.

Moved by Councillor Bortolin, seconded by Councillor Holt,

THAT the Clerk BE DIRECTED to transmit the recommendation(s) contained in the report(s) discussed at the In-Camera Council Meeting held February 3, 2020 directly to Council for consideration at the next Regular Meeting.

1. That the recommendation contained in the in-camera report from the Coordinator of Real Estate Services, Manager of Real Estate Services, City Solicitor and Corporate Leader Economic Development and Public Safety, City Engineer and Corporate Leader Environmental Protection and Transportation and Chief Financial Officer/City Treasurer and Corporate Leader Finance and Technology respecting a property matter – sale of land BE APPROVED.

Motion Carried.

Moved by Councillor Francis, seconded by Councillor Kaschak, That the special meeting of council held February 3, 2020 BE ADJOURNED. (Time: 5:46 p.m.)
Motion Carried.