City Council
Monday, February 03, 2020

CANADA POST - Bruno DeSando, August 1, 2019

Attached are Canada Post comments for file ZNG-013/19 [ZNG/5875] AND SDN-003/19 [SDN/5831] – see attachment on pages 8, 9 &10 of this document.

The applicant is requesting a zoning amendment from Development Reserve District 1.1 (DRD1.1) to Residential District 2.1 (RD2.1) and Green District 1.1 (GD1.1) in order to facilitate the construction of single unit dwellings, semi-detached dwellings, as well as a block of parkland and a 20m site buffer area. We have reviewed the servicing requirements of the subject lands pertinent to this application, and offer the following comments:


The section of Wyandotte Street East fronting the subject lands was constructed by the City in 2007 and currently has a right of way width of 24m; no conveyance is required. Florence Avenue, south of Wyandotte Street East is classified as a class 2 collector road and requires a right of way width of 22m. We note based on the information circulated that the existing open alley running parallel to Florence Avenue through the site is needed in order to achieve the required right of way. Through discussions with Planning and Transportation Planning we understand this alley will be closed and conveyed to the applicant for these purposes.

Corner cut offs are required [4.6mx4.6m] in the southeast and southwest corners of the Florence Avenue and Wyandotte Street East Intersection, as well as in the northwest and southwest corners where Florence Avenue intersects Streets A and B.

In accordance with the Official Plan sidewalks will be required on both sides of the Florence Avenue extension and on 1 side of any newly created Streets A and B. A cul-de-sac is also required at the westerly limit of Street A.

We agree that a cul-de-sac should be provided at the south limit of Florence. At this point we do not know the timing for the extension to the south.


There are municipal storm and sanitary sewers within the abutting road ways, available to service the subject property as follows:


Storm Sewer: 1950mm RCP


Sanitary Sewer: 350mm Asbestos Cement
