Special Meeting of Council
Monday, January 27, 2020

2.2. This policy identifies that the Alley Lighting is a service delivered over and above standard municipal services, and the associated costs not to be absorbed by the general tax rate. Waiver of this policy would be by discretion of City Council and subject to the terms set out in the Council Resolution as moved by the member.


3.1. This Policy applies to requests received for the installation of alley lighting in municipal alleys within the boundaries of the City of Windsor.

3.2. This policy describes the process to request an alley lighting installation, and how abutting property owners will be assessed for the work.

3.3. Requests for street lighting installations are outside of the scope of this policy and are subject to the City Council resolution for street lighting local improvement CR1607/89 or successor resolution.


4.1. The responsibilities of City Council, the Court of Revision, the City Engineer, the City Treasurer, the City Clerk and the abutting property owners are enunciated in the Municipal Act, 2001, O. Reg. 586/06.

4.2. The City Engineer shall create and maintain a standard fixture specification for use in alley lighting applications.

4.3. The property owners petitioning for the service, and their successor property owners, are responsible for the annual fee payment of the cost required to supply and maintain the alley lighting service. The annual operating and maintenance fee will be added to the property taxes. In the event of formal request to the City Engineer to withdraw by one or more property owners, the service will cease.

4.4. On receipt of a successful petition, the City Engineer is responsible for bringing the local improvement petition to City Council for approval and for managing the installation of the alley lighting.