Special Meeting of Council
Monday, January 27, 2020

Decision Number: B13/2020 CR259/2019 CSPS 34

That the report of the Executive Initiatives Coordinator dated December 12, 2018 entitled “Response to CQ16-2018 Regarding the Sand Base at Willistead Playground” BE RECEIVED. Carried.

Report Number: SCM 154/2019 & S 208/2018

Clerk’s File: SR2019

11.9. 2020 Sewer Surcharge Update - City Wide

Moved by: Councillor Francis

Seconded by: Councillor Gignac

Decision Number: B14/2020

  1. That City Council RECEIVE the updated 2020 Sewer Surcharge Budget and 4-Year Sewer Surcharge Forecasts (2021-2024) as presented in Appendix A of the report; and,

  2. That the following wastewater rates BE APPROVED as soon as practicable:

    1. Fixed Charge - To be based on the meter size as detailed in Appendix B ($17.61 for residential customers)

    2. Water Consumption Charge - To be based on a rate per cubic metre of water ($2.86 per m3 of water for residential users and $1.42 per m3 for commercial customers); and,

  3. That in order to avoid charging a surcharge on the water that is estimated to not have been returned to the sewer system, water consumption for the purpose of calculating the sewer surcharge bills for the extended summer months (May through October) continue to BE BASED on the lower of actual consumption or average winter usage (November through April) and that WUC continue to use the appropriate billing methodology to achieve this goal; and,

  4. That Council DIRECT the City Solicitor to update the Sewer Surcharge Bylaw to reflect the new rates.

Councillors Sleiman and Holt were absent from the meeting when the vote was taken on this matter.

Report Number: C 208/2019

Clerk’s File: SW2019

11.10. Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority 2020 Budget - City Wide

Moved by: Councillor McKenzie

Seconded by: Councillor Morrison