WATER- Indicate whetherwaterwill be provided to the subject land by:

[] Pubilcly owned & operated piped water system

O Other

SANITARY- Indicate whether sewagedisposalwill be providedto the subject land by: &] Publicly owned & operated sanitary sewage system

CO Privately owned & operatedindividual septic system - See Note below CO Privately owned & operated communalseptic system - See Note below

0 Other

Note: If the application would permit developmenton privately owned and operatedindividual or communalseptic systems, and morethan 4,500 litres of effluent would be produced perday asa result of the development being completed, you must submit a Servicing Options Report and a Hydrogeological Report.

STORM DRAINAGE- Indicate whetherstorm drainagewill be provided by:

City of Windsor - Zoning By-law Amendment Application

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Consolidated Agenda - Council Meeting July 13, 2020

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