Staff Use Only ~

2. REQUIRED SUPPORTING INFORMATION (To be completedbya staff Planner)

Unless you havea valid Pre-Submission Letter, a staff Planner will indicate below what supporting information must be submitted with the application during pre-submission consultation. The City of Windsorreservestheright to require additional supporting information during the processingof the application.All supporting information submittedis made available for public review.

For each document, provide one papercopy, and wherepossible, one digital copy on a CD or USBflashdrive. All drawingsorplansshall be in letter size (8.5 x 11inches) in JPG and PDFformat. All other documentshall be provided in Word and PDFformat, All PDF documentsshallbe flattened with no layers.

if you are submitting a companion application submit only one set of documents.

City of Windsor - Official Plan AmendmentApplication