SCHEDULEA — Authorizations & Acknowledgement

Authorization of Registered Ownerfor Agent to Make the Application

If the applicantis not the registered ownerof the land thatis the subjectof this application, the written authorization of the registered ownerthat the agentis authorized to makethe application must be included with this application form or the authorization below must be completed.

|, Zeshan Choudhry name of registered owner

am the registered ownerofthe land subjectofthis application for an amendmentto the City of WindsorOfficial Plan and

Payne Municipal Consulting nameof agent



Signature of Registered Owner

have authority to bind the corporation

Authorization to Enter U pon the Subject Lands and Premises

Standing Committee, City Council, and staff of The Corporationof the City of Windsorto enter uponthe subject lands and premises described in Section 5 ofthe application form for the purpose of evaluating the meritsof this application and subsequently to conduct any inspections on the subject lands that may be required as condition of approval. This is their authority for doing so.


hereby authorize the Developmentand Heritage



City of Windsor -

Official Plan Amendment Application

Consolidated Agenda - Council Meeting July 13, 2020

Page 216 of 402