Outstanding Council Directives Tracking Log

Meeting Date Motion/ Resolution Report Number CLT Member/ Executive Director Action Status
May 25, 2020 CR267/2020 C 86/2020 Chief Financial Officer &City Treasurer That the report of the City Treasurer dated April 28, 2020 entitled “2020 Business Improvement Area Budget and Levy approvals” BE DEFERRED
  • to the June 15, 2020 meeting of Council, in light of the ongoing pandemic,
  • to allow opportunity for the BIA’s to submit if they so wish, revised budgets
  • to administration by a date to be determined by the City Treasurer.
June 15, 2020 CR313/2020 C 88/2020 Chief Financial Officer &City Treasurer That the report of the City Treasurer dated May 5, 2020 entitled“Application for Property Tax Relief Under Section 357 of the Ontario Municipal Act, 2001” BE DEFERRED until such time as the corresponding in camera report on this matter is dealt with by Council.  
June 15, 2020 CR315/2020 C 68/2020 Corporate Leader – Parks,Recreation & Culture andFacilities That the report of the Manager – Parks Development, dated April 1, 2020 entitled “E-Scooters in Parks” BE DEFERRED until the spring of 2021 as a pilot project for 2020 would be limited due to the Covid-19 pandemic.  
June 25, 2020 CR330/2020 C 130/2020 City Solicitor
  • 1. That the response to CR323-2020 BE RECEIVED for information, AND
  • 2. That Council APPROVES the Walkerville BIA Parklet and Curbside Cafe
Pilot Project for the 2020 cafe season, as outlined in this report, AND3. That Administration BE DIRECTED to prepare a report outlining the results of this project, to be included in the 2021 Budget documents for possible continuation and expansion of the program, AND4. That Council APPROVES the waiving of Meter Bag fees for the 2020 cafe season, as outlined within the Financial Matters section of this report.

Clerk's Note: The listing of items prior to January 1, 2011 should not be considered complete at this point in time.

Clerk's Note: This summary chart is not intended to replace the actual minutes of all proceedings.