Meeting Date Motion/ Resolution Report Number CLT Member/ Executive Director Action Status
May 4, 2020 CR188/2020 SCM 70/2020 & S 210/2019 City Engineer I) That the update to the Community Gardens on Municipal Property Policy BE APPROVED; and,II) That the CAO BE AUTHORIZED to approve updates to CommunityGarden Template License Agreements and Community Garden TemplateLicense Renewal Agreements; and,III) That the Delegation of Authority Bylaw (208-2008) BE AMENDED to reflect that such authority has been granted; and further,IV) That administration BE DIRECTED to prepare a report for Council’s consideration outlining potential opportunities for gap-filling where United Way funding had dropped off in certain neighbourhoods where the gardens were relying on that funding and those groups to keep them going.  
May 4, 2020 CR171/2020 C 34/2020 City Solicitor That the report of the City Solicitor dated February 26, 2020 entitled “Council Question CQ26/2019 – Noise By-laws” BE RECEIVED for information; and further,That administration, in response to the issue of excessive vehicle noise, BE DIRECTED to AMEND the City of Windsor’s Noise By-law #6716 being a by-law respecting the emission of sounds, in order for the by-law to reflect the recent changes made by the City of Toronto to their noise by-laws; and further,That By-law Enforcement and Windsor Police Service BE REQUESTED to undertake regular community blitzes to educate the community and enforce these changes.  
May 4, 2020 CR208/2020 SCM 108/2020 & S 17/2020 City Planner That the report of the Senior Planner, dated January 28, 2020 entitled“Interim Control By-law Exemption 2020-5 – David & Susan Valihora – 2455 Sydney Avenue – Ward 9” BE REFERRED back to administration to allow for the applicant to meet with administration regarding mitigating factors related to the buffer zone with the residential area in advance of the completion of the study