Meeting Date Motion/ Resolution Report Number CLT Member/ Executive Director Action Status
December 2, 2019 CR608/2019 SCM 412/2019 & S 200/2019 Community Development and Health Commissioner –Corporate Leader, Social Development and Health That this report from the Executive Director of Housing and Children’sServices regarding the Windsor Essex Child Care and Early Years Service System Plan 2020-2025 BE ACCEPTED; and,That the Executive Director of Housing and Children’s Services BE AUTHORIZED to submit The Windsor Essex Child Care and Early YearsService System Plan 2020-2025 to the Province of Ontario’s Ministry ofEducation on or before December 31, 2019 as required under the Child Care and Early Years Act; 2014 (CCEYA); and,That the Executive Director of Housing and Children’s Services REPORT BACK to Council should the Ministry of Education have substantial changes and/or recommendations that are directed by the Minister to be incorporated into The Windsor Essex Child Care and Early Years Service System Plan 2020-2025; and,That the Executive Director of Housing and Children’s Services BEAUTHORIZED to submit subsequent reports/updates on The WindsorEssex Child Care and Early Years Service System Plan 2020-2025 to theMinistry of Education if required; and further,That Administration REPORT BACK to the Community Services and Parks Standing Committee once further analysis is completed regarding the causal data related increase in vulnerability as reported in the Early Development Instrument (EDI) and further analysis in terms of breakdowns of EarlyON programs and usage.  
December 16, 2019 CR621/2019 C 203/2019 City Treasurer That City Council APPROVE the issuing of a Request for Proposal (RFP), in accordance with Purchasing Bylaw 93-2012 and amendments hereto, for the potential development of a photovoltaic generation Net Metering project on suitable City of Windsor properties; and,That the Council DIRECT Administration to report back on the outcome of the RFP identifying the successful proponent along with a detailed business case analysis.