Meeting Date Motion/ Resolution Report Number CLT Member/ Executive Director Action Status
April 1, 2019 B14/2019 C 188/2018 City Engineer That Council FORMALLY REQUEST the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario for permission to divest of the City-owned shore wall along Lake St. Clair; and,That Administration FURTHER REPORT BACK with respect to the question regarding possible transfer ownership of shore walls and associated land; and...  
April 1, 2019 B61/2019 Reference #C118 Chief Executive OfficerWindsor Library That the recommended “Addition of Friday Branch Hours” (Budget Issue#2019-0358) in the amount of $98,412 BE NOT APPROVED, and that itBE FUNDED through one-time dollars and that Administration REPORTBACK in 2020.  
April 15, 2019 CR174/2019ETPS 670 SCM 118/2019 & S 54/2019 Manager of TransportationPlanning That Administration BE DIRECTED to report back to the EnvironmentTransportation & Public Safety Standing Committee with a Vision ZeroPolicy for consideration; and,That Administration BE REQUESTED to provide information related to comparisons with other Vision Zero municipalities in Ontario including data and gaps or enhancements that would be required across the Corporation to move forward with a complete policy.  
April 15, 2019 CR183/2019DHSC 25 SCM 109/2019 & S 50/2019 City Planner That the report of the Development and Heritage Standing Committee entitled “Zoning By-law Amendment Application for “light repair shop”, “retail”, and “fitness club” to be permitted on the property known as 400Erie Street East, and described as Lots 134 to 136, and Pt. Lot 137,Registered Plan 122, Applicant: Storage Stop Ltd. (c/o Christine Davison)”and the three readings for By-law 49-2019 being a By-law to further amendBy-law number 8600 cited as the “City of Windsor Zoning By-law”authorized by S 50/2019, adopted April 15, 2019 BE DEFERRED to a future Council meeting to allow for the proponent to work with the Planning Department on a potentially better plan.  

Consolidated Agenda - Council Meeting July 13, 2020 Page 381 of 402