Outstanding Council Directives Tracking Log

Meeting Date Motion/ Resolution Report Number CLT Member/ Executive Director Action Status
October 1, 2018 CR550/2018 S 165/2018 Corporate Leader – Parks,Recreation & Culture andFacilities That the report from Glos Associates Inc. titled “Proposed Relocation/Construction of Lanspeary Park Greenhouse Feasibility Study”and dated September 10, 2018 BE RECEIVED; and further,That Council APPROVE OPTION #2 – Construct a new greenhouse complex at Jackson Park- as the preferred solution; and further,That Council REFER consideration of the associated funding for the chosen option to the 2019 budget deliberations; and further,That subject to funding being approved in the Capital Budget, Administration BE DIRECTED to construct a new greenhouse complex at Jackson Park inclusive of the expansion space for in-house plant production and thereafter proceed to demolish the existing Lanspeary Park Greenhouse Complex, taking into consideration any heritage features or buildings contained thereon, and restore the subject area to parkland; and further,That Administration BE DIRECTED to offer options for the expansion of the demonstration house on the site within the re-development plans for Lanspeary Park (options showcasing the low impact re-development); and further,That Administration BE DIRECTED to provide information on production numbers for having this in-house versus externally for this service (how much does the taxpayer benefit from having this in-house).