Meeting Date Motion/ Resolution Report Number CLT Member/ Executive Director Action Status
October 16, 2017 CR648/2017 C 180/2017 Chief Administrative Officer ...That pending the restoration of the Street Car #351, City Council APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE the installation of Street Car #351 into a Riverfront Park location with a future report to City Council for site location approval and funding request to install at said location and to develop a maintenance fund for future requirements; and further,That administration BE DIRECTED to undertake a public consultation process on this project, and that following this process, that an administrative report BE PREPARED for Council’s consideration no later than 6 months after the Trolley is accepted from the current owner, to provide options as to usage if it is for some kind of vending (e.g., food and/or drink) or anything of that nature, including costs for transportation, placement, and potential sites; and further,That the CAO and City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign any other documents required to bring effect to these resolutions, in form satisfactory to the City Solicitor, in financial content satisfactory to the City Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer, and in technical content to the Corporate Leader of Parks, Recreation, Culture and Facilities and Executive Director of Recreation and Culture; and further,That administration BE DIRECTED to undertake fundraising and to REPORT BACK to Council in 6 to 12 months on the result of fundraising CR297/2018 Fundraising Ongoing
November 6, 2017 CR697/2017 C 187/2017 City Solicitor That City Council RECEIVE FOR INFORMATION an update on the submission of the Emergency Notification System to the National Disaster Mitigation Fund; and,That City Council DIRECT Administration to pursue community partnerships for the implementation of a multi-use Emergency Notification System and, should such discussions prove successful, REPORT BACK to council with the related business plan.