- c) the new multi-residential property class is 1.000000;
- d) the broad commercial property class is 1.979652;
- e) the residual commercial property class is 2.017813;
- f) the shopping centre property class is 2.017813;
- g) the office building property class is 2.017813;
- h) the parking lots and commercial vacant land property class is 1.016719;
- i) the broad industrial property class is 2.621115;
- j) the industrial property class is 2.320000;
- k) the large industrial property class is 2.938100;
- l) the pipelines property class is 1.928249;
- m) the farm property class is 0.250000; and
- n) the managed forests property class is 0.250000.
3. AND THAT for the taxation year 2020, the tax rates that would otherwise be levied for Municipal and School purposes for the subclasses prescribed under paragraph 1 of Subsection 8(1) of the Assessment Act shall be reduced as follows:
Subclass 1 by 65%, and
Subclass 2 by 30%.
4. AND THAT for the taxation year 2020, the tax rates that would otherwise be levied for Municipal purposes for the subclasses prescribed under paragraphs 2 and 3 of Subsection 8(1) of the Assessment Act shall be reduced by 30.00%;
5. AND THAT there shall be levied and collected upon all of the assessment within the below specified property classes, in the City of Windsor, according to the assessment roll of the previous year, as returned for the current taxation year, the taxes and levies identified above based on the tax rates for each class of property as set out in Schedule “A” attached hereto and forming part of this by-law.
6. All taxes levied respectively as aforesaid and other rates payable as taxes, shall be payable into the hands of the Treasurer or delegate in accordance with the provisions of this by-law.
7. Save as provided in Section 6 hereof, all property taxes and all other rates and charges, payable as taxes, included in the tax roll for this year shall be payable in the portions and upon the dates set out below:
a) In three installments upon the following dates, that is to say:
One third thereon on the 19th day of August of this year,
One third thereon on the 16th day of September of this year, and
One third thereon on the 18th day of November of this year.
b) Under the City’s Mid-Month 10 Month Preauthorized Payment Plan in five installments upon the following dates, that is to say:
One-fifth thereon on the 17th day of August of this year,
One-fifth thereon on the 15th day of September of this year,
One-fifth thereon on the 15th day of October of this year,
One-fifth thereon on the 16th day of November of this year, and
One-fifth thereon on the 15th day of December of this year.
One-fifth thereon on the 31st day of August of this year,
One-fifth thereon on the 30th day of September of this year,
One-fifth thereon on the 30th day of October of this year,
One-fifth thereon on the 30st day of November of this year, and
One-fifth thereon on the 31sth day of December of this year.
8. Notwithstanding subsection 8 (1) of By-Law 12-2020 the interim tax levy imposed by that by-law and apportioned under the terms of that subsection shall be paid in three instalments due on the following dates:
One-third (1/3) thereof on the19th day of February of 2020;
One-third (1/3) thereof on the18th day of March of 2020; and