Most Anticipated Public Safety Challenges

This assessment has identified the most likely public safety issues/challenges that are anticipated, requiring the attention of the Windsor Police Service. These need to be recognized and acknowledged if any corresponding course of action is to be successful at establishing and maintaining safety, security, and general public order. In no particular order these are:


Loitering in general represents a fundamental root cause for elevated safety concerns and reduced perceptions of safety and comfort by all stakeholders – if permitted to occur. It therefore needs to be addressed properly as the site is redeveloped. The most likely risk for loitering to develop is if individuals are permitted to wander in behind to the back of the building, and possibly onto the adjacent residential property. Sustained loitering acts as a conduit to potentially more dangerous offenses and situations that impair safety and therefore needs to be prevented as much as possible.


With two vehicular access points available for the site, traffic safety issues are not anticipated to be problematic. However the popularity of the store could still impact things to some degree, requiring some enforcement activities from time to time, as necessary. Traffic safety is critical to maintain the functional operation of this busy stretch of Tecumseh Road East.

Summary of Police Incident Data at Sites Within the Immediate Area

An examination of police incident response data for the subject property where the store is to be located (7405 Tecumseh Road East) was examined. The data revealed the following:

Tecumseh Road East
20201 (as of June 25th) – COVID Impacted
Yearly Average5 police calls

PUBLIC SAFETY IMPACT ASSESSMENT – Proposed New Cannabis Retail Store