The Honourable Doug Ford
Premier of Ontario
Legislative Building, Queen’s Park
Toronto, ON M7A 1A1

RE: COVID-19 Financial Relief for Non-Profit and Community Service Clubs and Organizations

Dear Premier,

At its regular council meeting of June 15, 2020 Essex Town Council passed the following resolution for your consideration:

Moved By Councillor Bjorkman
Seconded By Councillor Bondy

(R20-06-207) That a letter be sent to the Honourable Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario requesting the Province to look into all possible ways of providing tax and/or other financial relief to our community non-profit and service clubs and organizations as a result of those organizations not being able to operate and be open as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic; and

That a copy of the copy of the resolution be sent to Taras Natyshak, MPP, Essex, Chris Lewis, MP, Essex, the City of Windsor and all County of Essex municipalities.


Non-profit and service clubs and organizations play an important role in every community of our Province and so we accordingly ask the Government of Ontario to consider ways to assist these valuable members of our community so that they can remain viable despite the challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic.

I trust you will find this satisfactory, but should you have any questions regarding this matter please feel free to contact the undersigned.