provincial parks and conservation reserves, and select highway projects being planned by the Ministry of Transportation. Some of these projects and activities are already subject to other legislation or planning processes that would provide the appropriate level of assessment and consultation. Other projects may be exempted from the EAA but would still be subject to conditions such as requirements to post notifications or undertake technical studies as appropriate.

My ministry is seeking input on these proposed amendments during a 45-day comment period, closing on August 22, 2020.

For details of the proposal regarding land claim settlement activities and other agreements with Indigenous communities dealing with land, please refer to

For details of the proposal regarding projects in provincial parks and conservation reserves please refer to

For details of the proposals for select Ministry of Transportation projects, please refer to and

Information about the proposed Class EA amendments can be found on the environmental registry. We ask that you submit any comments that you may have through the instructions provided, and by the deadlines listed above.

Should you have questions about any of the proposals, you can contact us at

We look forward to your suggestions and comments on our modernization initiatives.


Jeff Yurek

Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks