Head of Council Page 2

In addition to initiatives that I have outlined above from my ministry, there are several other proposals included in our proposed legislation that will support your communities. Changes proposed will modernize our outdated environmental assessment framework, provide more local say on future landfill sites, and ensure strong environmental oversight, while supporting faster build-out of vital transport and transit infrastructure projects to support our economy. Municipally-run courts will be able to use technology to deliver services remotely and we are also moving to fill justice of the peace vacancies faster and more transparently.

We will be extending the validity period of unused marriage licences and protecting the province’s most vulnerable consumers who rely on payday loans, by proposing limits on related interest rates and fees.

Also proposed is the reduction of regulatory burdens on farming while preserving the environmental rules that will support this vital part of our economy. Businesses will be able to count on clear, focused and effective rules that do not compromise people’s health, safety or the environment through our changes that continue to focus on cutting red tape. At the same time, our changes will allow health and safety standards to be updated more quickly to ensure worker safety in a changing economy.

As the province continues to reopen and the economy recovers, it’s more critical than ever to position Ontario as a top-tier destination for investment, domestic growth, and job creation. A key measure to support this objective is the creation of a new investment attraction agency, Invest Ontario, that will promote the province as a key investment destination and work closely with regional partners to coordinate business development activities.

Our proposed changes will also help our communities respond in part to the challenges that this outbreak has brought to our education system. Changes proposed would allow school boards to select the best candidates for director of education for their respective communities. We will also reduce red tape that is preventing access to school for some First Nation students and by limiting unproductive suspensions for our very youngest students. Students with severe learning disabilities will have an opportunity to complete their studies in the upcoming school year and by broadening the mandates of TVO and

TFO, our broadcasters will be able to support students’ learning needs better during these challenging times.

Through this proposed legislation, we will take the first step towards a strong restart and recovery. More information on our proposals can be found on the Legislative Assembly of Ontario’s website .

Our greatest challenges lie ahead of us, and we know we cannot overcome them alone.

It’s time for everyone to play a role in rebuilding Ontario together. We will ensure no community or region is left behind. Every community must recover if all of Ontario is to grow and prosper again.