No. Sender Subject
7.1.4 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing On July 8, 2020, the Ontario government introduced the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020, which addresses three needs: restarting jobs and development, strengthening communities, and creating opportunity for people. This letter summarizes its proposed changes at the municipal and provincial levelsCity SolicitorCity Clerk / Licence Commissioner City Treasurer / Chief Financial OfficerMH/13786 Note & File
7.1.5 Ministry of theEnvironment,Conservation andParks Letter summarizing the Ministry’s next steps in the Made-in-Ontario Environment Plan commitment to build an environmental assessment (EA) program, including amending the Environmental Assessment Act (EAA), amending eight Class Environmental Assessments, and proposing regulatory exemptions from the EAACity EngineerManager of Environmental ServicesGM2020 Note & File
7.1.6 Town of Essex Letter to the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit (WECHU) detailing resolution R20-06-209 passed by Essex Town Council on June 15, 2020, which urges all levels of government and WECHU to support local farm workers, including migrant workers, as it relates to the COVID-19 pandemic. Suggestions include farm gate delivered mandatory testing, a plan of care for positive workers, and comprehensive trackingMH/13786 Note & File