City Council
Monday, June 15, 2020

Decision Number: CR306/2020

That the correspondence from Joanne Hoppe, Doors Open Windsor dated May 26, 2020 regarding “Doors Open Windsor Update and Request” BE RECEIVED; and further,

That the funding allocated by the City of Windsor as main sponsor for 2020 BE HELD OVER and REALLOCATED towards 2021 which will coincide with the 20th anniversary of Doors Open Ontario.


Clerk’s File: MBA/7119

7.1.4 Administration requests that Council reconsider report S 20/2020, "Climate Change Adaptation Plan, Degrees of Change - City Wide," rescind CR191/2020, and approve the Climate Change Adaptation Plan, Degrees of Change

Moved by: Councillor McKenzie

Seconded by: Councillor Costante

Decision Number: CR305/2020

That the memo from the Supervisor, Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change dated May 26, 2020 regarding “Report S 20/2020 Climate Change Adaptation Plan, Degrees of Change” BE RECEIVED; and further,

7.1.4 Administration requests that Council reconsider report S 20/2020, “Climate Change Adaptation Plan, Degrees of Change - City Wide,” rescind CR191/2020, and approve the Climate Change Adaptation Plan, Degrees of Change

RECEIVED; and further,

That Council RESCIND CR191/2020 in which Report S 20/2020 “Climate Change Adaptation Plan,

Degrees of Change” was received for information; and further,


That Council APPROVE the Climate Change Adaptation Plan, Degrees of Change”.

Clerk’s File: EI/10822

No. Sender Subject
7.1.1 Ministry of Transportation Federal approval granted under the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP). Federal and provincial funding contributions approved for three transit projects: Construction of Dougall Ave., including bikelanes and sidewalks; Sidewalk Rehabilitation & Active Transportation Improvements; and Cabana Corridor Improvements Phase 3 & 4.City EngineerExecutive Director of Transit WindsorCity TreasurerSenior Manager of CommunicationsGP2020 Note & File