City Council
Monday, January 06, 2020

VII. That the matter BE COMPLETED electronically pursuant to By-law Number 366-2003.

Report Number: SCM 473/2019 & S 225/2019

Clerk’s File: SAA2019

8.18. Closure of the triangular portion of Havens Drive right-of-way, located west of the property known as 613 Havens Drive and abutting Block 63, 12M-364; Declaration that part of the Land Proposed for Closure, along with Block 63, 12M-364, are Surplus and Authority to Offer the surplus lands for Sale; Applicant – City of Windsor Legal Department – Real Estate Services (c/o Chris Carpenter); File No. SAA/5676 Ward 1

Moved by: Councillor McKenzie

Seconded by: Councillor Morrison

Decision Number: CR21/2020 DHSC 119

  1. That the triangular portion of Havens Drive right-of-way abutting Block 63, 12M-364, shown as PART 1 on Drawing No. CC-1742 attached hereto as Appendix “A”, BE CLOSED AND CONVEYED by The Corporation of The City of Windsor as a residential building lot, subject to the following:

    1. Easement, subject to their being accepted in the City’s standard form and in accordance with the City’s standard practice, be granted to: i. Enwin Utilities Ltd. the location of which is to be to the satisfaction of the Manager of Real Estate Services

    2. MTO Permits required prior to any development or changes to the property.

    3. A Restrictive Covenant on title prohibiting the erection of opaque fences that would restrict available sight lines into the retention pond space.

  2. That the 0.3m wide by 40m long westerly portion of Havens Drive shown as PART 2 on the attached Appendix “A”, BE CLOSED AND RETAINED for municipal purposes namely a 1 foot reserve to restrict driveway access along that portion of Havens Drive;

  3. That The City Planner BE REQUESTED to supply the appropriate legal description, in accordance with Drawing Number. CC-1742, attached hereto as Appendix “A”.

  4. That The City Solicitor BE REQUESTED to prepare the necessary by-law(s).

  5. That, upon the registration of the necessary by-laws, the following vacant parcels of land BE DECLARED surplus:

    (1) Property No. 1: Triangular portion of Havens Drive right-of-way abutting Block 63, 12M-364, shown as PART 1 on Drawing No. CC-1742 attached hereto as Appendix “A”;

    • Legal Description: Part of Havens Drive R.O.W. as in 12M-364, to be further described on a new reference plan of survey.