Item No. 11.5


Council Report: C 221/2020

Subject: Response to CQ 25-2020 – August 28, 2020 Flood Event ----Ward 1 and 9


Date to Council: November 23, 2020
Author: Mark Winterton, P. Eng
City Engineer
519-255-6247 ext 6356
City Engineer
Report Date: November 6, 2020
Clerk’s File #: SW2020

To: Mayor and Members of City Council


That Council ENDORSE the establishment of a Mandatory Downspout Disconnection Zone for the area bounded by Norfolk St. to the North, Dougall Ave/Howard Avenue to the East and the Herb Grey Parkway to the West and South; and,

That a Mandatory Downspout Disconnection Pilot Project, the boundaries to be determined by the City Engineer, BE UNDERTAKEN within the Mandatory Downspout Disconnection Zone with an upset limit of $250,000 funded by Project ID#7199004 – Sewer Master Plan Implementation Project; and,

That the results of the Mandatory Downspout Disconnection Pilot Project BE COMMUNICATED to Council once sufficient data is available; and,

That Administration BE DIRECTED to review the Sewer and Coastal Master Plan and undertake measures that can be completed in the short-term including adjusting the pumping station operational elevation in Lake Como, with an upset limit of $35,000 funded by Project ID# 7102003 – Southwood Lakes Shore Restoration; and,

That the City Engineer BE DIRECTED to bring forward a dedicated inflow and infiltration funding program to address inflow and infiltration measures; and,

That Council APPROVE the ditch survey and inspection of private culverts on residential streets in Ward 9 impacted by the flooding of the August 28, 2020 storm event to an upset limit of $100,000 funded by ProjectID#7199004 – Sewer Master Plan Implementation.