Timing Risk:

Mandatory downspout disconnection, ditch survey and inspections, adjusting the pumping station operational elevation in Lake Como and inflow and infiltration measures will take time to implement. There is a risk that another significant rain event occurs which causes flooding in these areas (or other areas of the City).

Financial Matters:

Council approved $1.5M to proceed with immediate short term projects/programs under the Sewer Master Plan Implementation Project (Project ID#7199004). One of the Mandatory Downspout Disconnection Pilot projects is recommended to be in the pilot area bounded by Norfolk St. to the North, Dougall Ave/Howard Avenue to the East and the Herb Gray Parkway to the West and South. This is estimated to cost $250,000.

Adjusting the pumping station operational elevation in Lake Como is estimated to cost not more than $35,000. This work is proposed to be funded from the Southwood Lakes Shore Restoration Project (Project ID#7102003).

The ditch survey and inspection of private culverts on residential streets in Ward 9 impacted by the August 28th, 2020 flooding event is estimated to cost $100,000 and is proposed to be funded by the Sewer Master Plan Implementation Project (Project ID#7199004). This amount will permit the survey and inspection of approximately 20 blocks (both sides of the street).

The Sewer Master Plan Implementation Project (ID#7199004) and Southwood Lakes Shore Restoration Project (ID#7102003) each have sufficient funds to cover the costs outlined above.


Jake Renaud, Senior Manager, Pollution Control / Deputy City Engineer

Melissa Osborne, Senior Manager of Asset Planning

Phong Nguy, Manager, Contracts, Field Services &Maintenance

Dan Lunardi, Manager Inspections / Deputy Chief Building Official

Fahd Mikhael, Manager, Design & Development

Anna Godo, Engineer III

Andrew Dowie, Engineer III

Ian Wilson, Engineer II

Amy Olsen, Technologist II

Eric Bailey, Coordinator IMS

Dana Paladino - Deputy City Solicitor – Purchasing, Risk Management & Provincial Offences

Adnan Nabi, 311 Mapping Support Analyst


The significant rainfall event that occurred on August 28th, 2020 resulted in substantial flooding in areas of Ward 1 and Ward 9. Administration conducted an investigation as