Risk Description

Impacted Objective(s)

Risk Level

Mitigating Strategy / Status


Failure of the generator

Operations of the Pumping Station


Repair the generator

SM-Pollution Control

Climate Change Risks

Climate Change Mitigation:

Climate Change Adaptation:

The consequences due to an unintended climate condition was considered in the Risk Analysis section.

Financial Matters:

Pollution Control has an annual maintenance services budget of $1,307,642 funded through Sewer Surcharge. Due to a number of unanticipated repairs and inflationary pressures in 2020, the division is expecting to end the year with a deficit of approximately ($1,112,000) in these maintenance accounts to cover the funding required for the contract noted above. As this non-discretionary work is critical to the operation of Pollution Control, Administration is recommending a transfer of $123,400 from the Pollution Control Reserve (Fund 208) to Dept. ID 0174124 - Pump Stations Operations in order to fund this work. The unencumbered and available balance in the Pollution Control Reserve at September 30, 2020 is $2,401,114. Administration will undertake a review of the annual maintenance budget requirements for the upcoming 2021 budget and bring forth recommendations for any adjustments to the based funding required.



That Council authorize the CAO and City Clerk to amend the existing City of Windsor Contract ID 5961 with MAN Energy Solutions Canada Ltd. To carry out the Annual Diesel Engine Maintenance program for the St. Paul and Pontiac Pumping Stations and approve the required additional funding of $123,400 from the Pollution Control Reserve (Fund 208).

Planning Act Matters: