The recommended solutions are comprised of: 
  1. Increase downstream outlet capacity

    • Treatment Capacity Improvements

    • Retention Treatment Basin (RTB) at Lou Romano Water Reclamation Plant

    • New or upgraded pumping stations – 12 sites

  2. Source control, with both private property and public infrastructure improvements

    • Mandatory Foundation Drain Disconnection

    • Downspout Disconnection

    • Low Impact Development (LID) Measures

    • Sealing Sanitary Sewer Systems (1500 units)

  3. Improve sewer system, for conveyance and storage

    • Increase sewer sizes

      • Sanitary Sewer System improvements – 48 km

      • Storm Sewer System improvements – 61 km

    • Combined sewer separation

    • Surface/underground storage

      • New or modified stormwater underground or surface storage – 8 sites

  4.  Coastal flood protection

    Earth berm to protect low-lying areas from high river water levels (6kms)

The next step in the MCEA process requires the publication of the Notice of Study Completion. Upon authorization by Council, the Notice of Study Completion will be:

A copy of the draft notice is provided as Appendix 2 of this report.

The EA report will be available for review during the minimum 30 calendar day review period on the project website