Time in-water work requiring the use of explosives to prevent disruption of vulnerable fish life stages, including eggs and larvae, by adhering to appropriate fisheries timing windows.
Isolate the work site to exclude fish from within the blast area by using bubble/air curtains (i.e., a column of bubbled water extending from the substrate to the water surface as generated by forcing large volumes of air through a perforated pipe/hose), cofferdams or aquadams.
Remove any fish trapped within the isolated area and release unharmed beyond the blast area prior to initiating blasting
Minimize blast charge weights used and subdivide each charge into a series of smaller charges in blast holes (i.e., decking) with a minimum 25 millisecond (1/1000 seconds) delay between charge detonations (see Figure 1).
Back-fill blast holes (stemmed) with sand or gravel to grade or to streambed/water interface to confine the blast.
Place blasting mats over top of holes to minimize scattering of blast debris around the area.
Do not use ammonium nitrate based explosives in or near water due to the production of toxic by-products.
Remove all blasting debris and other associated equipment/products from the blast area.
Figure 1: Sample Blasting Arrangement
Per Fig. 1: 20 kg total weight of charge; 25 msecs delay between charges and blast holes; and decking of charges within holes.
Ensure that machinery arrives on site in a clean condition and is maintained free of fluid leaks, invasive species and noxious weeds.