Develop and implement an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan for the site that minimizes risk of sedimentation of the waterbody during all phases of the project. Erosion and sediment control measures should be maintained until all disturbed ground has been permanently stabilized, suspended sediment has resettled to the bed of the waterbody or settling basin and runoff water is clear. The plan should, where applicable, include:
Installation of effective erosion and sediment control measures before starting work to prevent sediment from entering the water body.
Measures for managing water flowing onto the site, as well as water being pumped/diverted from the site such that sediment is filtered out prior to the water entering a waterbody. For example, pumping/diversion of water to a vegetated area, construction of a settling basin or other filtration system.
Site isolation measures (e.g., silt boom or silt curtain) for containing suspended sediment where in-water work is required (e.g., dredging, underwater cable installation).
Measures for containing and stabilizing waste material (e.g., dredging spoils, construction waste and materials, commercial logging waste, uprooted or cut aquatic plants, accumulated debris) above the high water mark of nearby waterbodies to prevent re-entry.
Regular inspection and maintenance of erosion and sediment control measures and structures during the course of construction.
Repairs to erosion and sediment control measures and structures if damage occurs.
Removal of non-biodegradable erosion and sediment control materials once site is stabilized.
Clearing of riparian vegetation should be kept to a minimum: use existing trails, roads or cut lines wherever possible to avoid disturbance to the riparian vegetation and prevent soil compaction. When practicable, prune or top the vegetation instead of grubbing/uprooting.
Minimize the removal of natural woody debris, rocks, sand or other materials from the banks, the shoreline or the bed of the waterbody below the ordinary high water mark. If material is removed from the waterbody, set it aside and return it to the original location once construction activities are completed.
Immediately stabilize shoreline or banks disturbed by any activity associated with the project to prevent erosion and/or sedimentation, preferably through re-vegetation with native species suitable for the site.
Restore bed and banks of the waterbody to their original contour and gradient; if the original gradient cannot be restored due to instability, a stable gradient that does not obstruct fish passage should be restored.
If replacement rock reinforcement/armouring is required to stabilize eroding or exposed areas, then ensure that appropriately-sized, clean rock is used; and that rock is installed at a similar slope to maintain a uniform bank/shoreline and natural stream/shoreline alignment.
Remove all construction materials from site upon project completion.