
To assist City administration in planning and scheduling recommended solutions, projects have been assigned a priority level based on various criteria. Projects that are already funded or are required to facilitate source control or private property improvements are considered immediate. The remaining projects were ranked (High, Medium and Low), using a ranking system developed to score projects based on the below criteria.

• Condition of Existing Sewers              • Cost Efficiency

•Flood Reduction Effectiveness             • Reduction of Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs)

• Emergency Access                            • Access to Vulnerable Areas

It is recommended that the City continuously review and re-evaluate the prioritization list, especially as it relates to future climate change projections, and how the list overlaps with other road/capital projects or maintenance programs.

It is important to note that public infrastructure improvements are only one part of the comprehensive solution to mitigate flooding and that the implementation of private property source control and protection measures are critical in achieving the established level of service. Continuous sewer system monitoring and modelling analysis will be required to confirm that the anticipated the benefit is achieved.

As projects and source control measures are implemented, the risk of flooding will be reduced.

Upcoming Programs and Construction Projects (0-8 years)

Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund - Round 1

The following projects have also been identified as ‘immediate’ because they must be constructed in conjunction with the DMAF funded projects listed above.