Report -Cahill Drain — Upper Part (Former Geographic Township of Sandwich West) City of Windsor - REI2017D012

21 (080-080-01300-0000)  50.7%  49.3% 
22 (080-080-01400-0000)  53.0%  47.0% 
23 (080-080-01401-0000)  50.7%  49.3% 
24 (080-080-01500-0000)  53.4%  46.6% 
25 (080-080-01600-0000)  50.7%  49.3% 
26 (080-080-01015-0000)  50.7%  49.3% 

We recommend that the bridge structures as identified herein, be maintained in the future as part of the drainage works. We would also recommend that the access bridges, for which the maintenance costs are to be shared with the upstream lands and roads within the watershed, be maintained by the City and that said maintenance would include works to the bridge culvert, bedding, backfill and end treatment. Should concrete, asphalt, or other decorative driveway surfaces over these bridge culverts require removal as part of the maintenance works, these surfaces shall also be repaired or replaced as part of the works. Likewise, if any fencing, gate, decorative walls, guardrails, or other special features exist that will be impacted by the maintenance work, they are also to be removed and restored or replaced as part of the bridge maintenance work. However, the cost of the supply and installation of any surface materials other than Granular "A" material and the cost of removal and restoration or replacement, if necessary, of any special features, shall be totally assessed to the benefiting adjoining Owner(s) served by said access bridge. 

We further recommend that the maintenance cost-sharing as set out above shall remain as aforesaid until otherwise determined and re-established under the provisions of the "Drainage Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter D.17 as amended 2010".